Quick preface: The characters in this story are completely fictional. Specifically, the "Mary" in this story bears no resemblance to wonderful wife Mary who is the best! Thanks for visiting and enjoy!
probably should have at least thrown on a pair of real pants. Or maybe a
jacket. Come to think of it, one of those polar-explorer parkas would have been
great. Pajamas and nor’easters, it turns out, aren’t a great mix. As it stands,
the stiff pre-dawn air is tearing through me like fire through newspaper. Or
whatever the exact opposite of that would be.
doesn’t seem to mind, cozily prepared with a red pea coat and Burberry scarf (a
Christmas gift from me of course). I’m just standing there frozen - watching as
she clumsily picks her way across the street. She’s left deep trudge marks in
the un-plowed snowdrifts, her fashionably absurd sheepskin boots compressing
the snow. The boots she got herself.
drives away in the car we leased together last year leaving me standing here
like an idiot. Luckily, this part of the Brooklyn actually does sleep
eventually so the jokers on our block who would usually be lolling around are snoring
their lives away at present. A vicious blast of wind crashes against my exposed
arms and face with malicious intent, reminding me to get my stunned ass back
inside. For a frightening moment I can’t recall the code to get into the
building and a wave of panic piles onto my already confused systems. Suddenly
my mnemonic kicks in (Mantle-Mantle-Namath for 7-7-1-2) and I punch the keys
it’s warmer, but not enough that it matters. The floor in particular remains a
frigid enemy. The elevator’s been on the fritz lately, so I begin my ascent up
the stairs, the hard wood caustically devoid of carpet. The cheap scent of
motel-caliber cleaning solution pervades the shabby furniture and dull brass
rows of mailboxes in the over-lit lobby. I’ve always hated this fucking
As I climb the five flights of merciless goddamned iceblocks of
stairs, I’m replaying the last couple hours in my head to try and convince
myself that it hasn’t happened. Funny how we do that when something shitty
happens. I guess it’s the first stage of grief right? Anyways, I get to the
part about how we rushed into things and got married before we had really
figured ourselves out as individuals when I realize there’s no stairs left. Now
is probably not the best time to visit our - I mean my - buddy Arturo in #904,
so I head back down a few flights.
It sort of looks like the place has been robbed (the door was unlocked after all), but it doesn’t
strike me as odd; this is what it normally looks like. After a year of marriage
and six more months living together, I guess neither of us figured out that the
other wasn’t about to spontaneously acquire obsessive-compulsive tendencies and
clean the place up. Wrong again. Maybe that’s a sign.
A quick glance at my alarm clock hits me like an executioner’s
axe: 3:46am. My usual 7am wake-up isn’t going to cut it with the car gone. I
can’t believe she took the damned car. I figure I’ll have to walk to the subway
then ride in, hopefully catching an A train. If I miss that I’ll just call in
sick, the C takes for-fucking-ever. I haven’t been able to think straight in
hours, ever since my new nemesis dropped that sack of bricks directly on my
forehead, but for some reason I can remember the train schedule. Good times!
Screw it, it’s not like I’m going sleep anyways. I give up on
trying to set my alarm and head back out into the living room. I flip on the TV
and start brewing a pot of coffee. I’m making too much of course, I’m fairly
accustomed to our usual two cups each routine and too lazy and stupefied to
compute the proper amounts of grounds and water for the right amount. I just
stand there while it brews, forgetting the TV is even on.
So why am I now a soon to be divorcé at the ripe young age of 24
you ask? At this point you are better off talking to Mary. Here are her
original words, as near as I can remember them (her words appear in quotes. My
attempt to translate these astonishingly vague quips into human are in italics):